Friday, March 11, 2011

Local Post, 2009 Who cattle?

Speaking of e-mail, we might have used in the browser to send and receive messages and reading. For most people, the use of Web forms Web mail is often more suitable for the operation of their habits. But do not forget to e-mail there is another operation form, through e-mail client program to download messages to the local carry out reading, so that you can not read the page, directly in the local editors and send and receive mail. Used to send and receive mail through the browser, we now come to experience e-mail client program with the different feel it send and receive mail.

This paper selects three of the relatively well-known e-mail client program for evaluation, namely, "NetEase Lightning Mail" (formerly known as "right-Mail", in 2008 changed its name to the end), "Windows Live Mail" and "Foxmail". He chose the three software because NetEase mail account for most of domestic e-mail users, and Windows Live Mail and MSN respectively Foxmail and QQ because of the high integration, also has considerable domestic popularity. So use this software to do three more representative evaluation.

Look at the three e-mail client's "net worth of files":

1, NetEase lightning-mail

銆??缃戞槗闂數閭彲璋撴槸绯诲嚭鍚嶉棬锛岀敱浜庣綉鏄撻偖绠辩殑鐢ㄦ埛鍗犳嵁浜嗗浗鍐呯數瀛愰偖绠辩敤鎴风殑澶ч儴鍒嗭紝鎵?互褰?008骞寸綉鏄撳彂甯冮棯鐢甸偖(鍘熷悕鈥滃彸閿偖鈥?鏃讹紝寮曡捣浜嗗緢澶氱敤鎴风殑鍏磋叮銆備互鍓嶅ぇ閮ㄥ垎缃戞槗閭鐢ㄦ埛閮戒範鎯簬鍦ㄦ祻瑙堝櫒涓敹鍙戦偖浠讹紝鑰岀綉鏄撻棯鐢甸偖鐨勫彂甯冿紝浣垮緱缃戞槗閭鐢ㄦ埛澶氫簡涓?釜鍦ㄦ湰鍦版敹鍙戦偖浠剁殑閫夋嫨銆?br />
銆??2銆乄indows Live Mail

銆??涓嶹indows Live Hotmail涓嶅悓锛學indows Live Mail鏄竴涓數瀛愰偖浠跺鎴风绋嬪簭锛岀被浼间簬Outlook銆備笉杩囧湪寰蒋鐨刉indows Live鎴樼暐涔嬩笅锛學indows Live Mail涓嶮SN绛夊叾浠朙ive浜у搧鍏锋湁楂樺害鐨勯泦鎴愭?锛屽姛鑳芥洿鍔犱赴瀵岋紝鐢ㄦ埛浣撻獙涔熸湁杩涗竴姝ュ寮恒?



銆??鐗硅壊浣撻獙锛?br />

銆??涓??缃戞槗闂數閭?br />
銆??浣滀负缃戞槗閭欢涓績2008骞村叏鏂版帹鍑虹殑閭妗岄潰宸ュ叿锛岀綉鏄撻棯鐢甸偖闆嗗悎浜嗕紬澶氫紭鐐癸紝鍏蜂綋濡備笅锛?br />
銆??鍙抽敭鍙戦?閭欢锛氱偣鍑婚紶鏍囧彸閿嵆鍙妸鏂囦欢鍜岀綉椤甸?杩囬偖浠跺彂閫併?璇ュ姛鑳界被浼间簬缃戠洏鍔熻兘锛屼笉杩囩敤鎴峰厤鍘讳簡鐧诲綍鐨勯夯鐑︼紝鍦ㄨ祫婧愮鐞嗗櫒涓敤榧犳爣鍙抽敭浠绘剰鐐瑰嚮涓?釜鏂囨。锛岄?鎷┾?閫氳繃缃戞槗閭鍙戦?鈥濊彍鍗曪紝灏卞彲浠ヨ交鏉惧湴灏嗘枃妗d繚瀛樺埌缃戜笂銆?br />


銆??绠?究鐨勬敹鍙戦偖浠舵搷浣滐細鍙敤鍙抽敭鐩存帴鐧诲綍缃戞槗鍏嶈垂閭锛屽垱寤烘柊閭欢;骞朵笖鍙互鐩存帴鐢ㄦ嫋鏇虫枃浠剁殑鏂瑰紡娣诲姞闄勪欢銆傜綉椤甸棯鐢甸偖鍜屽叾浠栭偖浠跺鎴风鐨勬渶澶т笉鍚屽氨鏄彲浠ョ洿鎺ョ敤鍙抽敭鐧诲綍缃戞槗閭杩涜鏀跺彂閭欢锛岃?涓旀坊鍔犻檮浠剁殑鏂规硶涔熷緢绠?崟锛岀被浼间簬Windows涓祫婧愮鐞嗗櫒鐨勬枃浠跺鐞嗘柟娉曪紝鏂逛究浜嗙敤鎴风殑鎿嶄綔銆?br />

銆??鍙互鐩存帴閫氳繃榧犳爣鎷栨洺鐨勬柟寮忓皢闄勪欢娣诲姞鍒伴棯鐢甸偖涓?br />

銆??鍊煎緱娉ㄦ剰鐨勪竴鐐规槸锛岀綉鏄撻棯鐢甸偖鐩墠鍙敮鎸佺綉鏄撶郴鍒楅偖绠卞笎鍙风殑娣诲姞锛屽嵆鍙兘灏嗗悗缂?悕涓篅163.com銆丂126.com鍜孈yeah.net鐨勯偖绠卞笎鍙锋坊鍔犲埌甯愬彿绠$悊鍣ㄤ腑锛岃?涓嶆敮鎸佸叾浠栧悗缂?悕鐨勯偖绠便?鍥犳鍏舵敮鎸佺殑閭绉嶇被杩樹笉鏄緢骞挎硾銆?br />
銆??浜屻?Windows Live Mail

銆??Windows Live Mail琚井杞畾涔変负涓?釜涓?珯寮忛偖浠剁鐞嗗钩鍙般?鎴戜滑鍙互灏咹otmail銆丟mail銆乊ahoo!绛夊悇涓數瀛愰偖绠遍兘闆嗘垚鍒癢indows Live Mail涓紝闆嗕腑杩涜閭欢鐨勬敹鍙戠鐞嗐?姝ゅ閭欢绋嬪簭瀹㈡埛绔繕闆嗘垚浜嗘棩鍘嗗姛鑳斤紝鍙互鎻愰啋鐢ㄦ埛涓嶉敊杩囬噸瑕佷簨浠躲?姝ゅ锛岀粨鍚圵eb褰㈠紡鐨刉indows Live Hotmail锛屾垜浠繕鍙互鍒╃敤鍏跺厤璐圭殑25G缃戠粶纭洏锛屾墿鍏匴indows Live Mail鐨勫瓨鍌ㄨ兘鍔涖?鍏跺叿浣撳姛鑳界壒鑹插涓嬶細

銆??鍜孧SN鐨勯珮搴﹂泦鎴愶細Windows Live Mail鍦ㄧ▼搴忕晫闈笂闆嗘垚浜哅SN鐨勮彍鍗曪紝鐢ㄦ埛鍙互鐩存帴鐐瑰嚮鑿滃崟鍚姩MSN鐧诲綍锛屽厤鍘讳簡杈撳叆鐢ㄦ埛鍚嶅拰瀵嗙爜绛夌箒鐞愮殑姝ラ銆?br />

銆??鐣岄潰棰滆壊闅忓績鎹細Windows Live Mail鐨勮蒋浠剁晫闈㈤鑹茬被浼间簬鏈?柊鐨凲Q涓?牱鍙互杩涜鑷畾涔夛紝缁欎簡鐖辩編鐨勭敤鎴锋洿澶氱殑閫夋嫨銆?br />

銆??绐楀彛甯冨眬鍙皟鏁达細Windows Live Mail鐨勬搷浣滅獥鍙e竷灞?笉鍐嶅眬闄愪簬浠呬粎涓?锛屽畠鎻愪緵浜嗛偖浠跺垪琛ㄣ?鏂囦欢澶圭獥鏍煎拰閭欢澶?閭欢)杩欎笁绉嶇獥鍙e竷灞?叡鐢ㄦ埛閫夋嫨銆傛垜浠彲浠ユ牴鎹嚜宸辩殑鍠滃ソ璋冩暣Windows Live Mail鐨勭獥鍙e竷灞??

銆??闆嗘垚鐨勬棩鍘嗗姛鑳斤細Windows Live Mail鍦ㄧ▼搴忎腑闆嗘垚浜嗘棩鍘嗗姛鑳姐?閫氳繃璁剧疆鍙互璁╁畠鎻愰啋鎴戜滑涓嶉敊杩囬噸瑕佷簨鎯呫?

銆??Windows Live Mail鍙互鏀寔澶氱鍚庣紑鍚嶉偖绠辩殑閭欢鏀跺彂锛屽苟涓斿拰MSN鏃犵紳闆嗘垚锛岃繖瀵逛簬骞垮ぇMSN鐢ㄦ埛鏉ヨ锛屾槸涓?釜鎸轰笉閿欑殑閫夋嫨銆?br />





銆??鏂囦欢涓浆绔欏姛鑳斤細Foxmail鏀寔涓婁紶澶ф枃浠惰繘琛屼复鏃跺瓨鍌ㄧ殑鍔熻兘锛岃繖瀵逛簬娌℃湁绉诲姩纭洏鐨勭敤鎴锋潵璇达紝鍙互鎶奆oxmail鐨勬枃浠朵腑杞珯鍔熻兘褰撴垚涓?釜澶у閲忕殑缃戠粶纭洏銆?br />


銆??鍦ㄨ缁嗕綋楠岀綉鏄撻棯鐢甸偖銆乄indows Live Mail鍜孎oxmail杩欎笁娆鹃偖浠跺鎴风绋嬪簭涔嬪悗锛屾帴涓嬫潵鎴戜滑灏辨牴鎹畠浠殑鍚勮嚜涓嶅悓鐗圭偣鍋氫竴涓患鍚堣瘎姣斻?

銆??涓夋瀹㈡埛绔櫎浜嗛兘鏀寔鏈?熀鏈殑閭欢鏀跺彂涔嬪銆傚浜庝竴浜涙瘮杈冪壒娈婂拰鍙︾被鐨勫姛鑳斤紝鐢ㄦ埛鍙綔濡備笅閫夋嫨锛?br />




銆??鑳斤紝鍙互璁╁箍澶х敱姝ら渶姹傜殑缃戞槗閭鐢ㄦ埛寰楀埌渚垮埄銆?br />

銆??濡傛灉鎴戜滑鏈夊涓笉鍚屽悗缂?悕鐨勯偖绠遍渶瑕佺鐞嗭紝寤鸿閫夋嫨Windows Live Mail鎴朏oxmail锛屽洜涓哄畠浠兘鏀寔澶氫釜涓嶅悓鍚庣紑鍚嶇殑閭欢绠$悊銆傝?缃戦〉闂數閭敮鎸佹敮鎸佺綉鏄撶郴鍒楃殑閭锛屽彧閫傚悎缃戞槗閭鐢ㄦ埛銆?br />

銆??鍔炲叕瀹や竴鏃忔槸MSN鐨勬渶澶х敤鎴风兢锛屽鏋淢SN鐢ㄦ埛瀚屾瘡娆$櫥褰昅SN閮借杈撳叆甯愬彿鍜屽瘑鐮佸お楹荤儲锛屽氨鍙互浣跨敤Windows Live Mail浣滀负閭欢瀹㈡埛绔紝鍥犱负瀹冩敮鎸佺洿鎺ヤ粠瀹㈡埛绔惎鍔ㄥ苟鑷姩鐧诲綍MSN銆傚苟涓斿畠闆嗘垚鐨勬棩鍘嗗姛鑳戒篃鍙互鎻愰啋鎴戜滑涓嶉敊杩囬噸瑕佷簨鎯呫?



銆??缁间笂锛屾垜浠缃戞槗闂數閭?Windows Live Mail鍜孎oxmail杩涜浜嗕竴鐣缁嗙殑浣撻獙銆傚彲浠ヨ锛屾湰鏂囦粙缁嶇殑涓夋鐢靛瓙閭欢瀹㈡埛绔彲璋撴槸鍚勬湁鍗冪锛屽姛鑳界壒鑹蹭赴瀵屽己澶э紝瀹冧滑涓庝紶缁熺殑Web鏂瑰紡鏀跺彂閭欢鏈夎骏鐒剁殑鎰熷彈锛岀敤鎴峰彲浠ユ牴鎹嚜宸辩殑涓嶅悓闇?眰锛岄?鎷╂渶閫傚悎鑷繁闇?鐨勫鎴风銆?br />

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Monday, October 11, 2010

How to get all the screen colors red, green and blue values

Various programs running on the desktop, there are many very beautiful colors, we may want to use their color, but unfortunately there were no source, it is difficult to know exactly their R, G, B color value. So we have a lot of screen color pick tool, you want to know how they use the program to achieve the What? Here I use VC6.0 to do I took a screen color picker example of code to tell you that after running an instance of the interface is as follows:

Basic component ideas:

The principle is very simple and requires only a brief three-step. Both: get the screen DC, get the current mouse location in pixels, a pixel value decomposition of the red, green and blue can, it is easy now!

Key code:

1, access to the screen DC

HDC hDC =:: GetDC (NULL); file / / get the screen DC

2 pixels for the current mouse position

CPoint pt;
GetCursorPos (& pt); file / / get the current mouse location

COLORREF clr =:: GetPixel (hDC, pt.x, pt.y); file / / get the current pixel value the mouse

3, decomposition of the pixels in the red, green and blue color values

CString ClrText;
ClrText.Format ("% d", GetRValue (clr)); file / / the red value decomposition
ClrText.Format ("% d", GetGValue (clr)); file / / decomposition of the green value
ClrText.Format ("% d", GetBValue (clr)); file / / decomposition of the blue value

:: ReleaseDC (NULL, hDC); file / / release the screen DC

Concrete realization of the above part of the code details, download the example code in after carefully looking at the source can (with detailed comments).

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When the "vision" into a "trap"

As Jim Collins's "From A to A +" hot book in Taiwan, many of the company's vision has turned into "from the good company into a great company." However, the trend is driven vision, employees can receive recognition from the heart of the real you? "Company Light scream銆?銆巉rom good to great, but not the exact implementation of the plan, but also not seen how much the company made changes to the system, things are still bound hand and foot. Nevertheless, the small number of middle level managers, top executives continue to please have been advocating for, the staff feel a strong political flavor .... "I complained to a friends in the industry.

Vision to become trendy political slogan, not a practical long-term goal

Enterprise's "vision" (Vision) trend can be traced back to Peter. Senge's "Fifth Discipline." Originally, the company refers to the enterprise vision shared by people in the scene, people on the scene of great concern and co-operation through various actions to practice it. Peter. Senge even believe that there is no common vision, there is no learning organizations. However, when vision is used by companies large and small, we encounter many pitfalls and problems. Vision into a trendy above the political slogan, not a practical long-term goal is one.
Some people think that content should be ambitious vision. But business history, too much "great" but it is difficult to implement the vision, anti-easy to make business resources to invest in inappropriate places and lead to policy failure. This is the vision of the second trap.

Ambitious but unrealistic vision, leading to failure of corporate strategy

The time back to 1978. Wang computer was the United States ranked the world's 32nd-largest computer supplier, the company said the head of Chinese-American Wangan Xuan, Wang computers will replace in the mid-1990s, Big Blue IBM, the world's largest computer company. Wang fascination with their own products - word processor, it underestimated the threat of IBM personal computers, said "personal computer is the world's most stupid things." Bent to make the company and its growing advantage in the personal computer, the IBM confrontation, not only underestimated the strength of IBM personal computers, but also insist on their own R & D is not compatible with the IBM computer operating system. Later, when Wang computer products found in the main market, has become a personal computer, word processor, not when I have to. In 1992, this had an annual turnover of 30 billion U.S. dollars, has 30,000 employees in large companies, to the courts for bankruptcy. Vision shattered.

Wang Computer's grand vision of the relative, who created "Spirited Away" and many other blockbuster Japanese animation Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli belong (Studio Ghibli), but never "intended" to make its great. "Business Week" Recent reports that the "strategy", "change", "profit" is not always the words in their dictionary. They only insisted that Ghibli film will be "interesting and useful", the "human interest" as the spirit is the most important works, to tremendous amount of attitude to make the highest quality work. 90% of the entire studio of human and 98% of the time only do one thing, animation. Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli did not intend to let his great modesty, but in practice they are doing is a great vision.

Vision is to make out, not to tell

Of the ambitious enterprises, the establishment of the vision of course is necessary. However, many companies have the vision, we all want to be winners, but who have real power? When the vision becomes trendy and sets the contents of the theoretical formula of cheap popular slogan, a tool for political maneuvering within the organization, or exaggerate the target has not been implemented, the vision but it will hurt hazardous enterprises, such as loss of people (including employees and customers ) support. Moreover, the true meaning of the vision is action, not words beautiful. Company leaders and management team, with a magnificent vision of shouting, we had better clarify the company's basic mission and values, identify the competitive positioning, and then encouraged to go and practice them in fear.

A Zen master once said: "Who in this world, reasoning many people, Realizing the fewer people; know many people, way street are few." Think about the vision is not true?


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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tongfang response to piracy crisis: is the distributor of pirated security

Dealers of pirated software is safe for 顥?顥?br />
HP, Shenzhou, Tsinghua Tongfang, Acer (Acer) and other four manufacturers of computer sales stores were found to pirated Microsoft operating system installed yesterday, Tsinghua University, said in an interview with the party, which is dealer's personal behavior, will strengthen the dealer with the management and education.

Hewlett-Packard and other reporters had not been the attitude of the other three companies.

Tongfang regard a telephone interview, said that Microsoft in China as a partner in one of the most closely, with the side always recommend users to install genuine operating systems, adhere to legitimate strategy, it remains unchanged.

However, since different users have different versions of the operating system needs, in order to give the user plenty of their own choice, now part of the factory with side computer models, not pre-installed operating system, but in the sales process, with the side would urge all distributors, the user is better to play the machine functions, choose to install genuine software.

The store's display of individual agents to identify pirated software prototype in the same side that was very concerned about, though this is a distributor of personal behavior, but at the same side will strengthen the dealer's management, education, and said it would through their own efforts in the fight against piracy to do to their responsibilities.

Yesterday, China's also the matter to the Hewlett-Packard Co., Public Relations fax the interview outline, would like to know the company installed pirated operating system product attitude, but as of 8 pm last night, reporters did not receive a response.


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Find driving force behind IPv6

Editor's Note: In the course of further development of IPv6, the lack of impetus from the application of IPv6 will likely be a major obstacle to business - this is the recently held "2006 Global IPv6 Summit" to deliver us the most important information.

April 13, the annual global IPv6 event - the "2006 Global IPv6 Summit" in Beijing International Convention Centre. It was at this same location, the same event is already the fifth held. IPv6 Summit, and compared to previous years, this year's meeting site a lot of lonely, but experts and vendors still has had some exciting news: the domestic IPv6 network infrastructure of getting better, narrow the gap between domestic and foreign firms are the gap between manufacturers. More importantly, IPv6 will begin commercial service in 2008, attempts to provide a full range of services to the Beijing Olympics.

Has been the development of our country are based on the Government to promote IPv6-based. For example, the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan proposal" highlighted, to "strengthen the broadband communications network, Internet, digital television and next-generation information infrastructure"; National Development and Reform Commission also issued in 2003, "China Next Generation Internet Project ", which CNGI project. From the government to support and promote the development of IPv6 tremendous momentum.

However, with IPv6 network construction and application development to start, followed by some of the problems began: in the already completed and under construction IPv6 network, the application is still the main contents of the original IPv4; many users and operators investment in the IPv6 network is not out of business and applications. Originally, the business and application development should be the fundamental driving force for IPv6, but the current situation not the case. Some experts believe that with further development of IPv6, this lack of impetus from the application of IPv6 will likely be a major obstacle to business.

Getting better

IPv6 in addition to the IP address once and for all solve the shortage, but also considered bad IPv4 address various other issues, such as end to end IP connectivity, quality of service (QoS), mobility and so on. Based on strong technological advantages, IPv6 will become the mainstream of the field of data communication trends, and become the core technology of next generation network. At the summit, the Chinese project, said Wu Hequan clear: "development of the Internet has come to a crossroads, need a new starting point." In his view, the Internet is the new starting point for IPv6.

Back in 1998, China on the establishment of the first IPv6 trial network CERNET-IPv6. After that, IPv6 development concern, but the development of Debu bland. However, there are some new progress in the recent bear CNGI project six units, in addition to slightly lag China Netcom, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, China Railcom and Education Network CERNET2 other five have completed the equipment bidding. Which, CERNET2 is has completed the transformation of five key nodes, and smooth the overall translation of business.

All along, our cutting-edge technology on the Internet for research and development are mostly borne by the education industry, in the IPv6 research and development, the education sector also plays a very important role. According to the network director of the Center of Tsinghua University, CERNET Expert Committee Wu Jianping, director introduced, CERNET2's goal is to seize the opportunities the Internet replacement for the current Internet, the main technical issues of international cooperation in the design and construction of new generation Internet architecture.

The layout of the entire CNGI core objective is to connect 20 major cities located in the core nodes. In these 20 cities, 25 central universities to become a major node, high-speed connection of more than 100 research universities and qualified research institutions and R & D center, the minimum required bandwidth is 1G, and achieve the other core backbone network High-speed Internet. It also bears in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific international next-generation high-speed Internet connectivity tasks.

CNGI project in assuming 6 units, the education network CERNET2 most significant achievements. According to reports, in March 2004, connecting Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou CERNET2 advancing slowly; in December 2004, connecting 20 cities in the CNGI-CERNET2 trunk advancing slowly, the network made a large-scale use of pure IPv6 routers present has been successfully running for over a year; the next step, CERNET2 plan the next generation of Internet technology for large-scale testing and application demonstration.

Wu Jianping, said: "China's CNGI backbone has been formed and the European Union, the United States about the size of the three major networks, the next generation of Internet research, network infrastructure, we have been going more toward the front of."

Mature domestic equipment

I remember a few years ago the global IPv6 Summit, the exhibition hall, almost all foreign manufacturers of display, there is no domestic manufacturers of the figure. However, in this conference, you can find Digital China, Huawei Technologies, CEC, good telecommunications and other domestic companies Snapshots show. After several years of development, domestic manufacturers and foreign manufacturers have narrowed the field in the IPv6 range.

As the starting point for the same R & D, coupled with technological homogeneity constraints, the field in the IPv6 routing, the overall performance of domestic and foreign manufacturers of equipment, not much difference. According to Wu Jianping introduction, completed five units of CNGI project tender, domestic equipment has become the biggest winner, with an average account for more than 80% share. This is known as the domestic equipment industry field in the IPv6 breakthrough achieved in one of the largest.

"As the number of foreign equipment vendors in the IPv4 and accumulated a considerable number of products and the advantages of technology, so IPv6 has not been able to become the focus of their development. While the domestic equipment manufacturers have an urgent need to seize this opportunity to catch up with IPv6 foreign companies, therefore, whether R & D or marketing strategies are extraordinarily positive. "Digital China Networks Limited Deputy General Manager and CTO, said the DPRK sunny. It is for this reason, Digital China IPv6 network in the field to speed up the pace, its self-developed DCRS-7600 Series IPv6 Gigabit Routing Switch product is a one-time through the "IPv6 Ready Phase-2" test. The Digital Network to help build the IPv6 Hainan Normal University, the summit also unveiled the campus network, and has attracted the concern of many participants.

IPv6 also some other areas of domestic manufacturers has made good results, although domestic manufacturers began research and development time IPv6 equipment later, but developing rapidly. According to reports, now the mainstream equipment manufacturers have been achieved in the core hardware support for IPv6, the forwarding of data has been relatively better. There are several models in RTNet laboratory model tests have reached the Ministry of Information Industry of the network license standards.

Currently, Juniper, Hitachi, Cisco and other companies have a full range of products to support the IPv6. In the domestic manufacturers, in addition to Digital China network, ZTE routers, switches, products also passed the IPv6 Forum IPv6_Ready test, and passed the China Telecom, China Mobile, China Netcom, China Unicom's IPv6 core network test equipment in interoperability testing. Huawei is also in the core routers and edge routers to provide full hardware support for IPv6.

However, while the functions of IPv6 equipment, better performance, but the stability of the equipment needs to be improved. IPv6 router device performance from the current point of view, its routing table capacity, hardware, wire-speed forwarding capability and strong, but these devices in the implementation of access control lists or unicast Reverse Path Forwarding strategies have an impact on the performance, extend the first performance poor stability of the equipment needs to be improved. In addition, the market switches with IPv6 functionality of three products less and IPv6 broadband access server, not much room for choice.

It is said that China-made equipment in the CNGI project bidding to become the biggest winner, not because of its leading edge technology, but for the policy of protection. Of course, affect the layout of future development of the Internet, CNGI tender protection of domestic equipment is understandable. But for domestic equipment makers, will undoubtedly further enhance the technological strength is the key.

Lack of killer applications

During this summit, Hainan Normal University, IPv6 IPv6 network construction as a typical case of high-profile appearance. The school through the construction of IPv6/IPv4 dual protocol network, to achieve large-scale IPv6 network, and the successful completion of large-scale migration of IPv4 to IPv6. However, this meeting shows most of the other cases also have stayed at the experimental stage.

Although this year has been to Hainan Normal University dormitory, library network access to the IPv6 network which, on the opening of a IPv6 network services to students, but most of the application and the application of the original IPv4 networks are not much different. IPv6 view of the whole building, such as VPN, home users online game, VOD, multicast, that require a large number of terminal equipment and address of the application and not universal, it also led to the needs of users of IPv6 is not so urgent. Wu Jianping appears in the current lack of innovative applications based on IPv6, IPv6 is impeding the development of one of the factors.

IGRS Information Technology Engineering Center, president of Sun Yuning, said: "In the next generation Internet development in China should be by the application to integrate, to bring the next generation of Internet application development." Vice president of China Telecom Beijing Research Hui-Ling Zhao, feels that the IPv6 development in technology, the barriers have been less obvious, its future development or market Xuqiu mainly face of the driving problems, it also requires a large number of innovative applications.

Currently, there are in the demonstration system and test the system in a very large number of IPv6 applications, has basically covered the range of people can imagine. Only in the home broadband demonstration network, there is a lot of applications: home appliances and terminals connected through a variety of networking technologies, through the living room media center experience of IPTV services, through the living room media center remote video phone, portable media center through the WLAN, USB, etc. from the PC to download content and play, home equipment, intelligent control. Moreover, the scientists also describe for us the broad prospects for the next generation Internet: support large-scale scientific computing, to support large-scale video conferencing, remote instrument control, real distance education.

"CNGI large-scale construction has started, but still no substantive commercial business, we hope that IPv6 can be driven CNGI application development." One expert as saying. Indeed, with the full roll out CNGI, IPv6 finally have our own place, and as a major hardware network routers have been able to achieve the hardware support for IPv6, the next step CNGI focus will be how to achieve and commercialization integration.

But good news is that, at the summit can be seen, the industry has begun to put more attention to IPv6 applications, covering the wireless devices, mobile multimedia terminals, monitors, home gateways and other fields. In the conference hall, there are also companies to bring video system based on IPv6. In addition, there is news that the application of standards for CNGI work is in progress. The above is undoubtedly conducive to promoting IPv6 commercial application.

Security issues still to be resolved
The summit demonstrated the many domestic manufacturers of equipment to support IPv6 and application.

In Wu Jianping view, only to replace IPv4 IPv6, only the problem of scalability issues, and security, many problems in real time now, and not well resolved. Wu Quan He also highlighted that, IPv6 encountered in improving the existing Internet security, scalability, quality assurance issues have some effect, but simply address the structural change can bring improvement is limited. "IPv6 Internet can fundamentally solve some of the existing fundamental issues. From this sense, IPv6 does not mean the next generation Internet."

Which, IPv6's security problems have raised concerns at the summit. IPv6 issue safety overseas experts warned that the next generation Internet architecture (IPv6), the hackers, viruses and other security issues will continue to plague the industry, even more serious.

Juniper Networks, Senior Network Architect Jeff Doyle said at the summit said that in IPv6, the security problem certainly exists, hackers, viruses and other problems will also exist, and there is no essential difference between the current Internet. "Some applications will be more attacks, such as the banking system will be more attacks for profit, this phenomenon may be very serious. In IPv6, the large number of P2P applications appear, it would increase attacks against the . "

Security experts believe, IPv6 is still unknown weaknesses. Foundstone Professional Services Security Advisor Cory Benninger previously said: "We believe in the IPv4 to IPv6 transition, the tunneling protocol may be vulnerable to attacks of weakness, and immaturity of IPv6 platform is the greatest weakness." For example, Cisco IOS IPv6 denial of service, Linux Kernel IPv6 Denial of Service, Windows operating system can easily become a target for IPv6 networks.

On the other hand, the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 implies the need to re-write software programs and install new hardware device, which also makes security issues become more apparent. Some experts said: "related to the safe operation of IPv6 network protocol conversion gateway and firewall products low, performance is also poor."

At present, no IPv6, security incidents do not know how to assess the safety topic IPv6 organization, but that does not mean that the future of the Internet more secure. Appear in the experts, IPv6 also provides more security for the user the opportunity, and along with the development of IPv6, there will be more security mechanisms to prevent this from happening. In addition, some equipment manufacturers have stepped up security in IPv6 input, such as Digital China network security by developing SAOP linkage agreement, with the agreement to ensure the controllability of the entire network, credible, evidence.

Judging from all the above, China's IPv6 building although getting better, but the whole industry is still in its infancy, Huan need government departments, research and development institutions, network operators, equipment manufacturers and service provider's full participation.

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